Happy Tuesday!! I am SO stressed, through the roof. My husbands office is 4 hours away from our house, therefore, he works from home. (He telecommutes) Anyway, he had to drive to the office to go out in the field. So I am left home alone (first time in 2 years), no car, and 5 WILD kids. Child #3 only goes to kindergarten 2 times a week and child #4 goes to preschool 2 times a week, BUT no preschool because I have no way to get him there... I called the church (he goes to christian preschool) to see if anyone lives near me who could pick Nicky up and take him to school... so far no luck.
Last night was rough, trying to get them all to bed... it is amazing how different they are when dad is around...lol. Why arent they like that with me?? They just ignore everything I say... even my 2 yr old... I thought I was this tough mom who had these well behaved kids but as soon as dad is gone... they are like different kids. They dont listen to me, they are demanding (no please no thank yous), my 2 yr old started yelling at me because Dora wasnt on TV... can you believe that?? She actually screamed in my face. What a stinker!!
I didnt sleep well last night... I was paranoid that someone was going to break in the house or something and what would I protect my kids with?? Scrapbooking supplies?? Pinking shears?? My Cricut machine?? LOL...and we live in this real nice neighborhood, all brand new houses, so i dont know why I was thinking that way. Okay enough of my TOO EXCITING life... hahahaha.
On to the freebie... I found these colors (pink and greens)and I just loved them together... so I just dove in and starting making paper, then came some swirlys, and the elements...the kids were needing me every 2 seconds so I had to keep stopping...and I just decided to offer it to you all as a freebie... just a little stress reliever gift :) Hope you all like it... Oh and if you like, send me your LO's that you do and I will post it here on my blog... have a good day and Happy Scrapping!!
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